Avoid pitfalls and take care of all your trademark registration needs. Big law experience with customized attention means five-star service at a three-star price.


  • Federal and State Trademark Search
  • Common Law Trademark Search
  • Attorney Consultation Time 
  • Class Research, Drafting, and Filing 
  • Responding to Office Actions
  • Delivery of Registration Certificate with Rights Summary and Calendared Dates



ALEX KERR is an intellectual property attorney whose practice centers on copyright and trademark. Alex has in-depth experience in all aspects of copyright law, including licensing, registering copyrights, advising copyright owners, and infringement litigation. Before launching his own firm, Alex Kerr Law LLC, Alex was a partner at Harmon Seidman & Bruss, the premier copyright litigation law firm for photographers and stock photography agencies. For nearly ten years, Alex has represented world-renowned photographers in meritorious copyright infringement claims against major U.S. textbook publishers.

Alex Kerr

Alex has been lead attorney in dozens of multi-million dollar cases from start to finish. He is experienced in all stages of litigation in federal court – through trial and appellate advocacy – and has represented clients in numerous Districts and Circuits around the country, including the Northern District of California, Northern District of Illinois, Southern District of New York, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, District of New Jersey, and the Second, Third, Ninth and Tenth Circuits. His experience includes prosecuting trademarks, managing all discovery, briefing dispositive and discovery motions, independently conducting and defending depositions, chairing settlement conferences, and arguing motions in federal court. Years on the frontlines of high stakes litigation have given Alex valuable insight into what makes effective defenses and compelling advocacy.

Alex holds a J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law (2009), where he was a Law Review editor, and a B.A. from Amherst College (2003), where he graduated magna cum laude. Alex is a member of the California, Colorado, and Wyoming Bars. Alex grew up in western Colorado and moved to Jackson Hole in 2013 for all the obvious reasons.


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